NTX Training Institute allows high school students to take classes with a parent-signed waiver. How do other schools compare?
See why a career in phlebotomy is right for you. Get all of NTX Training Institute’s posts on topics like phlebotomy training and certification.
Which Phlebotomy Certification Is Best?
So many certifications, which one is best or are they just different? Get the answers from working phlebotomists.
Where to Get a Phlebotomy Certification: College Courses or Training Programs?
Everything you need to know about where to get a phlebotomy certification—college or an accredited training program?
Where Can I Get a Job as a Phlebotomist?
If you’re wondering, “Where can I get a job as a phlebotomist?", here’s the good news: you have more options than nearly any other profession in the United States. Phlebotomy job opportunities are expected to grow 8% over the next 10 years, according to the US Bureau...
Online Vs. In-Person Phlebotomy Classes
Which is better when we compare online vs. in-person phlebotomy classes? Find out before you apply with this fact-based guide.
How Long Does a Phlebotomy Certification Last?
Super-easy answers to a big question: How long does a phlebotomy certification last? Do I need renew my certification? Answers here.
Do Phlebotomist Training Courses Help You Find a Job?
Students often ask us: “If Texas doesn’t require a certification, do phlebotomy training courses help you find a job?” Get the facts here.
How Hard Is It To Become A Certified Phlebotomist?
How hard is it to become a certified phlebotomist? Read this article to get insider tips, tricks, and habits from experienced phlebotomists.
How Much Do Phlebotomists Make?
Hunting for jobs? Here’s what to expect for hourly and salary-based positions open tcertified phlebotomist in North Texas.