How Much Do Phlebotomists Make?

by | Sep 1, 2023 | Phlebotomy

If you’re interested in phlebotomy training and certification, chances are you are looking for a reliable career path. Naturally, you’ve asked yourself, “How much do phlebotomists make?”

Today, you’ll see the most recent and accurate information on compensation we could find, from hourly rates to salaries. We’re a Denton-based phlebotomy training center, so we’ll be focusing on Texas.

Rewind: Why should I become a certified phlebotomist in the first place?

As we discussed in an earlier blog, rapid expansion in the medical sector has led to a shortage of certified, qualified phlebotomy technicians. So, if you’re trained, certified, and motivated, you’ll have the bargaining power when you go out and look for a position. Why? Because for every trained phlebotomist looking for work, there are around three open positions.

Is it hard to enter phlebotomy?

It used to be. Some colleges continue to offer expensive, drawn-out courses and unnecessary coursework. NTX gets your training, education, and certification done in seven weeks. So, phlebotomy is all upside: affordable, fast, and available to anyone with a high school diploma or GED—no college necessary.

Let’s look at the average compensation for phlebotomists and the factors that can affect their pay. Because of limiting factors, the seemingly simple question “How much do phlebotomists make?” comes with caveats and exceptions.

No worries. Keep reading for concrete numbers.

How much does a phlebotomy technician make in Texas?

We’ll start with an hourly pay. From our research, we’ve found that the majority of certified phlebotomists start in hourly positions. The goal is to get to a salaried position. But the outlook is bright.

How much does a phlebotomist make an hour?

Here’s the “range” and “average” of hourly pay for phlebotomists in North Texas:

  • Phlebotomist’s hourly pay ranges from $14 – $25
  • The average hourly comes out to roughly $17/hour.

Stop! We need to talk about the context here. The pay here applies to most entry-level phlebotomy technicians, and if you take the time to apply to hospitals, clinics, and or practices in higher-income areas, you’ll get a lot closer to $25/hour.

How much does a phlebotomist make per year?

It depends. So, let’s talk about where we want you to be two years after completion and certification:

Our goal for your salary, years two – three:

  • $36,000/per year average with benefits for a full-time, salaried position with benefits.

Our goal for you by year five:

  • Get close to the top range at around $52,000/per year, likely with improved benefits. (That’s a little speculative).

What factors affect a phlebotomist’s pay?

There are several factors that can affect the earning potential of a phlebotomist. It’s important to consider these factors before accepting a job offer:

  1. Experience Matters: Phlebotomists with experience typically make more than those who are just starting out in the field.
  2. No Accreditation, No Pay: Phlebotomists with an accredited phlebotomy certification typically make more than those who don’t. Period.
  3. Work in Affluent Areas: Phlebotomists in urban areas typically make more than those in rural areas. We’re in Denton. How about Southlake?
  4. Specialty > General Care: Phlebotomists who work in specialized areas like blood banks or research labs typically earn more than those who work in a general healthcare setting.

Experience matters. But there’s a hack.

Here’s a caveat for “Experience Matters.” The world and economy are changing. Competition is increasing in healthcare, and we’re seeing a turn away from seniority-based models, e.g., “I’ve been here more years than you, so I’m going to get promoted.”

When we ask the question of how much do phlebotomists make, we need to understand that the shortage of certified phlebotomists is making it easier to make more earlier in your career.

Medical facilities of all stripes are looking for reasonable experience but will be promoting people based on technical skills, soft skills, and an overall look at what you bring to the organization.

Specialize, Specialize, Specialize

Don’t accept your first position and sit on it for eight years. If you want to progress faster and get paid more, continue to look for employment in research or highly specialized healthcare centers that look for the brightest, best phlebotomists.

As always, go out and network so that you have someone on your side to negotiate higher pay.

Enroll in a phlebotomy training program at NTX Training Institute

Start your phlebotomy career today at NTX Training Institute. Our accelerated training program takes just seven weeks to complete, and classes meet twice a week for your convenience. Plus, our low tuition of $990 is available through interest-free payment plans.

With the demand for phlebotomists constantly on the rise, you can be on your way to a rewarding and well-paying career in healthcare.

Enroll in our phlebotomy training program today.

– The Team @ NTX Training Institute

Meet the Author

Roxanne Lozano is the founder and lead instructor of NTX Training Institute. As a certified phlebotomist with over a decade of experience, Roxanne is a strong proponent of a more compassionate, collaborative, and practical approach to healthcare training for phlebotomists and medical assistants.

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